Photo Page 3

a13cp1.jpg (16984 bytes) Helicopter view of today's Chunchon
a14tacp5.jpg (40835 bytes) Pilot Russ Weaver completes a low pass over a Tactical Air Control Party. Photo courtesy of Photo Lab K-47
A15photo1.jpg (235164 bytes) Chunchon porter with a "Big Time" load. Photo from the May 1953 issue of National Geographic Magazine
A16CCscene1.jpg (89928 bytes) 1953 Photo of Uuptown Chunchon taken by Bud Steinhauer.
A17Mosquito MacLeod.JPG (64746 bytes) The observer on the left is our friendly email list manager from north of the border, Bud MacLeod. Bud was on loan to the 6147th grp. from "Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry". The pilot on the right is unidentified.
a18.jpg (78717 bytes) In 1952, Elis Craddock was the best known member of the 6150th TCS. He was called "Pops" by everyone.